The Utah State Board of Education has outlined four goals in the Strategic Plan. One of the goals aims for each student and teacher to have access to personalized teaching and learning experiences, and highlights social emotional learning as an essential component of The Personalized, Competency Based Framework. Many schools in Utah have preceded the state’s advisory by prioritizing universal social emotional learning because they knew it would build stronger school communities and empower students.
Interested in learning more about how Move This World aligns with Utah’s state SEL guidelines?
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How can districts become leaders in SEL?
We’ve put together a sample alignment guide to show how seamlessly the Utah SEL guidelines align to Move This World’s curriculum objectives. A school or district-wide social and emotional learning curriculum can support all students, staff, and families in your community. Additionally, a Tier 1 approach to SEL helps provide a common language around social and emotional skills so that students, staff, and families can all participate in creating a positive school culture. Contact our team and learn more about bringing social and emotional support to your district.