Adult Wellness Experiences Launch Image

New: Adult Wellness Platform for Educators is Live

Wellness and mental health habits for adults in schools are critical for strong school communities.

What: Move This World Launches an Adult Wellness Platform 

Move This World’s new Adult Wellness Platform has launched with the 2024-2025 school year. The program offers more than 50 experiences and exercises tailored specifically for educators, administrators, and staff designed to promote proactive and preventative mental health practices. 

Why: Proactive Mental Health and Wellness for Educators and Staff

The Adult Wellness Platform was created to address the rising demand for proactive wellness support in schools, not just for students, but also for the educators who are responsible for their growth. 

By integrating collective and individual practices of emotional intelligence, leadership, resilience, and relationship-building into the everyday experiences of our school staff, Move This World enables educational professionals to prioritize their own mental health and emotional wellness, without asking them to do more.

Our district partners use our group wellness exercises to kick off staff-meetings, PD sessions, in-service days, or collaborative planning meetings. In addition, educators get access to individual wellness experiences that they can find on the Move This World platform. For schools using our student offerings, having it all on one login and part of their existing routine means that it’ll actually get used! 

We know that when school staff are well, students thrive. Absenteeism decreases, retention improves, and the overall school environment becomes more positive and productive. Our goal with the Adult Wellness Platform is to create a sustainable and resilient school culture where wellness is a collective priority. 

How it Works:

All of the exercises are available on the Move This World platform and are delivered as short and participatory multimedia experiences. They are delivered as part of six thematic modules including: 

  1. Back to School With a Fresh Start
  2. Self Care for Personal and Professional Wellbeing
  3. Reflect, Reset & Recharge
  4. Team & Community Building
  5. Leading with Empathy & Personal Sustainability
  6. Coming Together in the Face of Crisis: Moving Through Tragedy

Using these exercises as part of the everyday experience builds wellness, trust, relationships, and creates an environment where we can proactively address mental health and wellness.

Try it out for yourself! Included in this blog post is an exercise you can use with a group, and one you can use for yourself. 

Group Experience: Leadership Recharge

Individual Experience: The Fab Four

Want to see more?

Talk to use about Move This World’s Adult Wellness Experience and how you can implement it at your district or building.

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