Written by Founder and CEO, Sara Potler LaHayne
Five years ago, Move This World held the first Trainer training in Advisory Board member Dr. Susan Allen Nan’s home in Washington D. C. Not too far from my hometown near Baltimore, my mom drove to D.C. armed with a crock pot to ensure the new Trainers did not go hungry. Our founding Board Chair Jennifer Meyerhoff joined me as we moved through curricula, program agendas, and monitoring and evaluation rubrics with a small, committed group of educators.
Since then, Move This World has impacted 100,000 children and trained over 3,500 educators and school administrators. We initiate policy level change by collaborating with Congress people, municipal governments, health commissioners, and districts of education to incorporate emotional wellbeing into planning and implementation. Though the journey has been arduous, we are on the path toward financial sustainability from programmatic revenue through a diverse and scalable model.
In another major milestone for Move This World, we launched version 2.0 of our virtual tools, an incredible tool for instituting ritualized emotional wellness throughout schools and offices.
Every day, we build capacity for individuals to address the emotional well being of themselves and those around them in order to foster safe and supportive learning environments. We work with school districts, community organizations and companies to actively shape what institutions feel like, so that care, compassion and creativity is at the core of human interaction, empowering everyone to reach their full potential.
In 2015, Move This World thrives with the spirit of all of you; a community of researchers, practitioners, students, politicians, executives, dreamers, leaders who imagine a more empathetic, resilient world where we’re all excited to wake up every morning, be bold, collaborate with others to take risks and continue to inspire transformative action in ourselves and in those around us.
Help us reach the next 100,000 children!
In honor of Move This World turning 5, we are raising $100,000 to impact the next 100,000 students. In celebration of my 30th birthday, I am raising $30,000 towards that goal.
Please join me in celebrating the Move This World birthday season by making a donation today and continuing our empathy revolution!
Thank you for being a part of Moving This World. This family has grown in such incredible size and strength over the these past 5 years and I cannot thank you enough for continuing to make this dream possible.