Spring Towards Healing and Renewal

Written by Founder and CEO, Sara Potler LaHayne

On Tuesday around noon, my staff and I took a few moments to pause in the middle of the day to reflect and process the tragic scenes in Baltimore city. We expressed our frustration and anger, as well as thoughts of hope, healing and transformative action.

At the end of our discussion, the mountain to climb to affect meaningful change seemed almost insurmountable. In the eight years since I conceived of Move This World, it has sometimes been challenging to convert nonbelievers to the power of healthy expression, mindfulness and emotional well-being. This challenge goes right to the heart of the problem in Baltimore– too few citizens have the space, capacity or wherewithal to effectively communicate their problems with the state, police force, economy or educational system.

Lack of healthy expression affects both sides of the equation. The officials in charge have been unsuccessful at properly and adequately communicating with members of the community about their needs or goals. After feeling ignored, the reactions have turned violent in a chaotic atmosphere that permits this expression — the only means of expression many youth know.

It was frustrating, though understandable, to see schools in Baltimore closed for the day. Children need an opportunity to process the events of the last two weeks as a community in the safety and comfort of their schools. Move This World and similar organizations are offering programs that make a transformative impact on safe learning environments and healthy forms of expression in the long run.

It is days like these that reinforce my belief in the work, my commitment to affecting change within communities and my strong desire to see equality become reality. I thank you for your time and ongoing support as now, more than ever, we work diligently to Move This World.


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