Austin, Texas
Number of Students: 81,391
Number of Schools: 130
Austin Independent School District has been recognized as one of the first districts to incorporate social emotional learning and commit to the development of the whole child. Social emotional learning reached all schools in the districts during the 2015-2016 school year. As part of implementation, a district SEL specialist provides professional development, provides feedback, and supports the schools in developing their own SEL plans. Additionally, each school develops a steering committee and has a designated SEL facilitator who communicates with the SEL district department. The district also selected programming for schools to utilize. Each school year, districts are invited to apply to be apart of an SEL Seed Campus Cohort. Schools must outlines areas for growth and show progress in the following four categories: empowering campus leadership, coordination with family and community partners, coordination with climate and pedagogy, and explicit SEL instruction. Schools that demonstrate growth within these four areas are designated as SEL Model Campuses.
Learn more about AISD’s social emotional learning initiatives here.