The New Jersey state SEL Competencies standards support the definition of social and emotional learning as defined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL): “SEL involves the process through which children and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”
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The most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey by the CDC indicates that the need for SEL has increased in the past 10 years. In 2017, 31.5% of high school students reported experiencing persistent feelings of hopelessness or sadness, an increase from 2007. That’s why district-wide SEL for students PreK-12 is essential to create a safe and supportive school climate and prepare students to regulate their emotions and navigate challenges at home and in the future.
What do New Jersey SEL Competencies state standards require?
New Jersey state standards outline expectations according to five competencies, which align with the CASEL framework:
Social Awareness
Responsible Decision Making
Relationship Skills
The CASEL framework reflects the skills that students practice daily with Move This World. Below is a summary of the New Jersey SEL competencies and sub-competencies as well as examples from Move This World’s grade-level standards alignment.
Self Awareness
Recognize one’s feelings and thoughts.
Recognize the impact of one’s feelings and thoughts on one’s own behavior.
Recognize one’s personal traits, strengths, and limitations.
Recognize the importance of self-confidence in handling daily tasks and challenges.
Move This World Standards-Alignment:
Grade 1: Recognize and label a variety of emotions.
Grade 2: Identify and describe how different situations make us feel.
Grade 3: Identify goals, divide goals into manageable steps and identify strategies to reach goals.
Self Management
Understand and practice strategies for managing one’s own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
Recognize the skills needed to establish and achieve personal and educational goals.
Identify and apply ways to persevere or overcome barriers through alternative methods to achieve one’s goals.
Move This World Standards-Alignment:
Grade 1: Identify and explore appropriate strategies to manage emotions.
Grade 2: Communicate emotions safely and authentically using a variety of modalities.
Grade 3: Analyze what about school is challenging for you.
Social Awareness
Recognize and identify the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of others.
Demonstrate an awareness of the differences among individuals, groups, and others’ cultural backgrounds.
Demonstrate an understanding of the need for mutual respect when viewpoints differ.
Demonstrate an awareness of the expectations for social interactions in a variety of settings.
Move This World Standards-Alignment:
Grade 1: Identify and describe how others are feeling.
Grade 2: Identify and describe the positive qualities of others.
Grade 3: Express empathy for others.
Responsible Decision Making
Develop, implement, and model effective problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Identify the consequences associated with one’s actions.
Evaluate personal, ethical, safety, and civic impact of decisions.
Move This World Standards-Alignment:
Grade 1: Identify positive behaviors that contribute to personal and community wellbeing.
Grade 2: Identify ways you can contribute to your community.
Grade 3: Describe characteristics of a situation that make it feel safe or unsafe.
Relationship Skills
Establish and maintain healthy relationships.
Utilize positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others.
Identify ways to resist inappropriate social pressure.
Demonstrate the ability to prevent and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways.
Identify who, when, where, or how to seek help for oneself or others when needed.
Move This World Standards-Alignment:
Grade 1: Identify and use strong listening skills.
Grade 2: Listen to others and respond respectfully.
Grade 3: Identify and use a variety of strategies to solve conflicts.
A school or district-wide social and emotional learning plan can support all students, staff, and families in your community. Additionally, a Tier 1 approach to SEL helps provide a common language around social and emotional skills so that students, staff, and families can all participate in creating a positive school culture. Learn how Move This World has impacted communities in Nashville, Tennessee or contact our team to learn more about bringing social and emotional support to your district.