Move This World is announcing updates to our social emotional skills platform for the 2024-2025 school year.
In addition to rising mental health challenges for K-12 students highlighted by COVID, absenteeism has now risen to the top of a list of concerns. Research showed a recovery in math and reading scores, but also found the gap between lower and higher income achievement has widened in the post-COVID recovery.
At Move This World, we examined how we could use our evidence-based PreK-12 curriculum for social emotional skills to address these challenges. We have the research that shows that adopting our curriculum impacts academic achievement, and we want to expand that impact into the broader ecosystem that students, their families, school staff, and the community can receive.
Updates for the 2024-2025 school year:
Multi Tiered Systems of Support.
Strengthening School and Home Connections
Enriched secondary experiences for 6th - 12th grade students.
Adult and Educator Wellness
These updates further our ability to teach essential skills to effectively navigate daily stressors in simple and engaging ways. When everyone can identify, express, and manage emotions constructively, students, schools, and families see more success.
Thank you to all of our school partners this past year, and welcome to the many new partners that will be joining us in 2024! We look forward to making an even bigger impact this year.
You can read the full Press Release about the Move This World updates here.