With their whole lives ahead of them, high school students are preparing to set ambitious goals, create well-defined plans, and make informed decisions that will shape their future. Move This World’s High School Solution offers stability and guidance during an uncertain chapter and equips students with college and career readiness skills to take on the world as young adults.
Approach Adulthood with Resilience
Move This World Prepares Students for a Bright, Resilient Future
- Real world life skills can boost academic achievement, increase graduation rates, and improve economic outcomes
- Engaging videos focus on stress management, exploring passions, and building healthy and respectful relationships
- Students have a voice and choice in how they experience the lessons, encouraging engagement in a way that resonates with them
How High School Students
Move This World
Activity: Through the Looking Glass
Objectives: Demonstrate empathy by exploring and encouraging compassion in ourselves and in others. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact that our emotions can have on others in our environment.
Competency: Social Awareness, Self-Awareness
Skills: Being empathetic, self-confidence
How High School Students Move This World in Español
Activity: Re-emoging
Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Apply emotional management strategies to manage our responses to emotions and behaviors.
Competency: Self management
Skills: Managing emotions, controlling impulses, discovering differences, respect for others, diversity appreciation, civic engagement, empathy
How High School Students Move This World in Español
Activity: Re-emoging
Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Apply emotional management strategies to manage our responses to emotions and behaviors.
Competency: Self management
Skills: Managing emotions, controlling impulses, discovering differences, respect for others, diversity appreciation, civic engagement, empathy
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exclusively from Move This World.