The Massachusetts Standards for Preschool and Kindergarten establish CASEL-aligned initiatives for young scholars, developing key social and emotional skills that will prepare them for the years to come.
While these initiatives start the youngest learners off on the right foot, there are fewer guidelines focused on grades 1 through 12, and youth behavior data indicates that students need more support in their teens as they face new social and emotional challenges.
Interested in learning more about how Move This World aligns with Massachusetts’s state SEL guidelines?
Fill out the form below.
How can districts become leaders in SEL?
We’ve put together a sample alignment guide to show how seamlessly the Massachusetts SEL guidelines align to Move This World’s curriculum objectives. A school or district-wide social and emotional learning curriculum can support all students, staff, and families in your community. Additionally, a Tier 1 approach to SEL helps provide a common language around social and emotional skills so that students, staff, and families can all participate in creating a positive school culture. Contact our team and learn more about bringing social and emotional support to your district.