Webinar: SEL at Home

From economic concerns to health concerns, there is a lot on the minds of students and their families right now. The good news is that schools can provide families with the tools to facilitate SEL at home!

In this webinar, we shared tips for facilitating SEL at home as well as resources and activities that schools can provide to families. Read more about 10 Ways Parents Can Bring SEL Home from our CEO & Founder Sara Potler LaHayne. Download the webinar recording and slide deck using the form below.

One of the activities we shared during the webinar is to ask students to share a feeling word and make a word cloud out of their words each week. We did this activity during the webinar, and here is how people have been feeling. 


As we mentioned during the webinar, you are not alone! To stay updated with resources to facilitate SEL at home, subscribe to our newsletter.  

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